
Monday, April 16, 2012

Chapter 2 - Case Study 1: Google Named in $1 Billion Trade Secret Lawsuit

1. This incident illustrates some of the potential problems for small software developers working with giant software  anufacturers to extend or enhance their products. Provide two good reasons why small developers should still  consider working closely with large software firms.

The two good reasons why small software developers should still consider working closely with large software firms are first is to extend or enhance their products and skills in developing software, second; so that their business will grow.

2. What measures could LimitNone have taken to better protect itself from Google’s alleged actions? What measures could Google have taken to protect itself from this lawsuit?

As the owner of the organization, you’ll do every  thing that would protect your business from the competitors even if whatever it takes. LimitNote have taken better measures and strategies to better protect itself from Google’s alleged actions. They hide some of their vital information that might be stolen from other business organizations. Same as well to Google, that protects itself also from this lawsuit.


3. Do research on the Web to find out how this case is proceeding in the courts. Write a short summary of your findings.

Every business organization possesses its own objectives, but there are also in common. The most common among all are: to help or provide service to numerous users with the use of information; and to earn something or many things from it. Each and every one of them must take respect from each other and to all of their competitors even if they provide services in common, the more important is that they helped.

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