
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chapter 1 - Vignette: Dubious Methods Used to Investigate Leaks by Hewlett-Packard Board Members

1. Which issue is more disconcerting—the fact that a board member leaked confidential information
about the firm or the tactics used to investigate the leak? Defend your position.

Yes, because one or more board members of leaking information about HP’s long-term strategy to
the news media. As part of the HP company one member should not leak the information of their long-term strategy as a sign of respect that you belong in that certain company.


2. Can the use of pretexting to gain information ever be justified? Is it considered legal under
any circumstances?

No, because pretexting - the use of false pretenses—to gain access to the telephone records of HP directors, certain employees, and nine journalists. Pretexting is not considered legal in any circumstances because one is using a false pretenses just to gain access to the records of HP directors, certain employees, and nine journalists.

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